Monday 18 June 2018

Proven - a Newcastle Doughnut Love Story

I can't remember why or when I became obsessed with doughnuts but one day, out of nowhere, I found myself suddenly craving sugary doughnuts, and I don't mean those naff ones you get in Tescos or the average ones you find in Krispy Kreme. I'm talking huge, fluffy doughnuts with the most amazing fillings - the kind of doughnuts that make your Instagram look insane! For a long time it felt like Newcastle had nothing for the doughnut fan, and then Proven arrived and everything changed.

This is my Newcastle Doughnut Love Story!

Proven - a Newcastle Doughnut Love Story
I'm not sure when or how I first discovered Proven Doughnuts, I think I had reached the point where I was so desperate to find some proper doughnuts in Newcastle I had taken to frantically searching Instagram for them and then one day, without warning, they appeared - the doughnuts I'd been dreaming about.

It wasn't long before we got our first try, Simon and I bought ourselves a modest selection from one of the local food markets and from the very first bite, it was love and I knew this was going to be a bit of a problem for my waistline!

Proven - Newcastle Doughnut
Now I wouldn't like to say that I'm a Proven Doughnut stalker, but if I'm being completely honest maybe I am. I love to keep an eye on where they're appearing every week, people send me messages on my Facebook and Instagram telling me where they are and it seems that everyone in the North East now knows that I'm a Proven Doughnut addict!

I count down the weeks until their monthly pop up at Fenwick's Food Hall rolls round, spend every weekend wondering if there's any way I can get myself down to the Quayside market for my fix and consider driving miles out of my way for a morning coffee at Kith and Kin just to get my hands on some Proven sugar.

I am obsessed!

Proven - Newcastle Doughnut Stall

I am doing my best to work my way through all of the flavours, whilst trying so hard not to be too greedy and grab myself an entire box of doughnuts every time I see that beautiful little Proven Doughnut stand in front of me.

Just a little casual glance through their Instagram makes me realise I'm not the only person in Newcastle going slightly loopy for Proven Doughnuts, it seems we all like to spend our time sharing photographs of our treats and I love that there are people out there just like me who enjoy waiving their Proven Doughnuts precariously over the River Tyne to get that perfect shot of a doughnut and the Tyne Bridge!

Proven - Newcastle Doughnut Tyne Bridge

Handmade in Newcastle, small batch and hand rolled these little beauties are made fresh every morning with each batch being proven three times for a total of 12 hours using organic fresh yeast and cold proving techniques to ensure the very best flavour.

All of the delicious fillings are made from scratch using the best local ingredients and each doughnut is stuffed so full that when you take a bite you literally get covered in fruit, custard or cream - bliss! Remember when you were a kid and you used to challenge yourself to eating a doughnut without licking your lips? I'd love to see you try with a Proven Doughnut!

Proven Newcastle Doughnut
Each time I think I've tried them all and can move on they bring out a new flavour that I just "have" to try and their seasonal specials will always keep me coming back for more. My current Summer obsessions are Apricot & Chamomile Jam and Strawberry and Passionfruit Jam, on and don't get me started on the Eton Mess Doughnut (just try eating that without making a big sugary mess!)

There's a Proven Doughnut to suit every taste. Complete sugar fiends will love the bright pink "Homer" (perfect if you fancy bouncing off the walls for the rest of the day!) and those with a smaller appetite will enjoy the mini "Cinnamon Sugar Doughnut Holes" (I've still not tried one of those because I'm too busy wolfing down the giant sized doughnuts to put my sensible hat on!)

Proven Goods Co Newcastle Doughnut
I leave you with a Proven Doughnut tale from yesterday! You know it's love when you set an early morning alarm on a Sunday just to get yourself down to the Quayside Market for the full range of doughnuts. I must have been one of the first at the stall (doughnut nerd alert!) and whilst I meant to quiz them about their VERY exciting announcement that they will be opening up a doughnut shop where we can all get our fix every day I got so distracted by their new "Cherry Cheesecake" doughnut I completely forgot!

Although I say it every time I try one of their new doughnuts I have to say that the Cherry Cheesecake blew my socks off, it's my favourite so far (until next time when no doubt I'll be giving the doughnut crown to whatever amazing creation they come up with next!)

Proven Goods Newcastle Doughnut
Please tell me I'm not the only person completely addicted to Proven Doughnuts, any fellow fans please come out of hiding and show yourselves, we can start some kind of support group! Let me know if you share my Proven Doughnut obsession and your favourite flavour!

Find Proven Doughnuts at:

Every Thursday: 

Kath and Kin from 9:30 am
Pink Lane Coffee from 10:00 am

Every Saturday: 

Laneway & Co from 9:00 am
Fenwick Food Hall from 9:30 am
The Factory Kitchen from 10:00 am
The Free Trade Inn from 11:00 am

Every Sunday:

Newcastle Quayside Market from 10:00 am

First Saturday of the Month:

Cole Cafe and Deli from 10:00 am

Once a Month:

Fenwick Food Hall from 11:00 am


  1. Wowww! These just look incredible Chloe.
    I’m drooling over doughnuts and it’s only 9.15am!

    1. I think I've actually had one at 9:15 am before!

  2. These look so delicious! Need to find somewhere that does delicious donuts near me in Devon

  3. Wow these look incredible!! We have a good place in Nottingham that I've been meaning to go to, and this post has definitely made me hungry for a doughnut!

    Issy | MissIsGoode

    1. I'm putting myself on a doughnut detox after eating two of these bad boys last week!


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