Friday 13 June 2014

Primark Haul

I've been in Primark again .... and I've found THEEEEEEEEE most amazing Little Mermaid goodies!




  1. Love the video!. Little Mermaid is my favourite as well :) will have to keep my eye out for the vest top and leggings :)

    Emma xx

    1. Thank you :) There's also denim shorts, but I decided that was a little too far even for me!

  2. Love this haul! You totally need to get the mermaid shorts as well and have the full ensemble! Xx

    1. HA! I don't think even I would go that far! My little sister just left a sarcastic comment on my Facebook to say that she's decided her bridesmaids will all be dressed in my Little Mermaid outfit!

  3. I have the same cardies in navy and lilacy shade but WHY DOES MY STORE NOT HAVE THEM IN MINT???? they're brilliant! X

  4. Another great Primark haul you are doing nothing to squash the title the bloggers have bestowed you. I love the little cardigans you have got peppermint is a nice colour that will go with the white jeans. I bet simon is trilled with those leggings haha. I love it. Have a great weekend Lucy x

    1. A proud moment though, I have managed to stay out all weekend :) I walked right past yesterday (admittedly Simon was blocking my access to the door and pushing me along past!) x

  5. haha, this video was always going to happen..
    Great items and mini hauls. Impressed you went into TWO Primani's in Leeds! Good effort! :p
    Glad you found some cropped cardigans. :) Love the mint one.. I'm deffo drawn to that shade at the moment.


    1. Was definitely perfect for a Summer wedding :D

  6. love this! i grabbed a couple of workout gear and vest tops (with bras built in, they are SO good for lazy days!) - they can have some real gems in there sometimes xx

    Miho @ Wander to Wonder

    1. Oooooh not been brave enough to try their work out stuff, never bought underwear or swimwear either x

  7. Haha! Should have known you'd go back for the leggings!! :) xx

  8. Such agreat haul. I actually wish I hadn't watched it because there's so much I now want but my maternity pay has dropped dramatically this month, I've been after those shoes too. I hope they have them at the metro centre store because I'm going there later this week. I love cropped cardigans too. That mint one is such a lovely colour. I have some long sleeved ones from asos. I have a black, red and baby blue one and they have others. They're sometimes hard to find and don't come up when I search cropped cardigan on there so I always try a few alternatives like crop and cardi which is a bit weird, I adore the little amermaid. I still remember going to pizza land and then the cinema to see it for my 8 or 9th birthday. I had everything little mermaid as a child! X

    1. I popped in again at the weekend and they had a Little Mermaid swimming costume! REALLY had to stop myself getting it ... how daft would I have looked?!

  9. Loved the Haul Chloe!! I want so much now haha! xxx

    1. I feel the need to go back already ... got a problem! x

  10. Finally got round to watching this one - love love love the Little Mermaid bits, get them all on together, the kids can bog off! She was ours first.
    M x Life Outside London


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