Monday 3 October 2016

How to Beat the Post Wedding Blues

Nothing could have prepared me for the post wedding blues.  Returning home after our wedding and Minmoon my life suddenly felt rather empty. With no suppliers to chase, no plans to discuss and the excitement all over I found myself wandering round the house in my PJs crying. I'd only been married for a few days yet was overwhelmed by a confusing sense of sadness.

The post wedding blues are a very real thing and talking to friends it seems that it's something that effects some but not others. I'm very lucky to have an understanding husband who completely got why I was feeling so awful and I'm very happy to say that my blues passed after a few days and I'm now feeling far happier and excited about our future.

So here's how I managed to beat the post wedding blues.

Making plans with friends

I was really looking forward to sharing my wedding day with friends and was really shocked at how little time I got to spend with them all. It felt like as soon as friends were arriving and saying hello they were coming to give me a hug goodbye. The time just flew! Now that the wedding chaos is over I'm really looking forward to catching up with friends and hearing their stories from our day.

Wedding at Blagdon Parlour Seaton Burn

Begin your marriage

I was a very cool and relaxed bride and was adamant that I wasn't going to lose focus on the bigger picture. Somewhere along the way I must have lost my way as when it was all over I found myself mourning the loss of an epic party rather than feeling happy about being married to the man I love. The days, weeks and months after the wedding are an exciting time where you can plan your future and that's something that Simon and I are very much focussed on at the moment.

Have a clear out

Maybe it's just me but I find a good clear out and tidy is very therapeutic.  Our generous friends and family gave us loads of new things for our kitchen which meant we needed to clear out all of our cupboards and get rid of old things to make some space.  Setting aside an afternoon for a good sort out did me the world of good.

Get a hair cut

Maybe it's a bit of an extreme way to get over the post wedding blues but I decided that an image change would be a great way to cheer myself up. Walking into the hairdressers a week after the wedding I asked to lose a few inches and after convincing my hairdresser that I really wanted to do it I emerged a new woman.

New Girl in Toon

Plan an adventure

We are very lucky and have our Honeymoon in March to look forward to so now that the wedding is over I'm going to enjoy researching and planning our trip.  I really loved planning the wedding so having something new to plan fills the hole. Whether it's a birthday surprise, a weekend away or your next holiday I definitely recommend filling your time with some planning.

Focus on a new challenge

With all of the time that I now find myself with I've decided to really focus on my running and am hoping to train for the Great North Run. Giving myself a big challenge to sink my teeth into will mean that I won't have the time to mourn the loss of my wedding and the extra exercise will definitely keep me feeling healthy and happy.

I'd love to hear your experiences of the post wedding blues and how you managed to beat them.


  1. Oh lovely, big hugs, post wedding blues are pretty normal actually just like anything big you've ever focused on, I get post wedding blues after every wedding I shoot, it's the adrenaline and being around such joy and then suddenly I'm home alone with only the dog for company!

  2. Great post Chloe... you're so right to find new things to plan and focus on. Exciting times ahead by the sounds of it. The Just Married phase is the bestest... just you and Simon to conquer the world. Make the most of it :-)

  3. That's really normally you have spent months planning something and then it's finished but you were wise to book your honeymoon in march something to look forward to. The new hair is lovely Lucy x

  4. Ah you definitely seem in higher spirits now. Start planning a big 10 year anniversary party :D

  5. I imagine it's the same kind of feeling you have after returning home from a holiday. They say part of the holiday is actually looking forward to going! At least you have your honeymoon to look forward too now x

  6. It sounds bad but I was relieved when mine was over! Less stress and more time to concentrate on other things.

  7. Love the hair! Cutting mine was one of the first things i did after i got married too!

  8. Your hair looks amazing!!!

  9. I got married just over a week ago in New York. Having now returned back to the UK, I too have been experiencing wedding blues. Crying in my Pjs with my poor hubby wondering what the heck is wrong with me! We had an amazing week in NYC with a further honeymoon still to plan but I miss being the bride and all the fabulous planning and attention that went with it. Glad to hear I wasn't alone on this!


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